Wednesday, April 4, 2007

digest authentication with CherryPy

For the authorizations, Trac project elegantly delegates authentication to Apache , see here

Unaware of Trac solution, I was fighting problem on my own:

CherryPy has built-in support for authorization. "Digest" and "ldap" are the ones that make most sense in practice.

I've been wondering if CherryPy is the right place for doing authorization. Because instead of _coding_ authorization it is easier to _declare_ it in the front web servers. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, let the right tool handle the job.

IMHO it is the Right Thing (TM) to do, since it also makes sense to use a reverse proxy (apache/lighttpd/squid) in front of CherryPy to deal with buffer overflows, malformed URLs and other nasty things.

This allows CherryPy to run in session-less mode, which allows for easier fail-over or load balancing. Another benefit Windows users: one could use "Integrated Windows Authorization" with IIS.

I tried to deploy this with Apache mod_proxy and mod_digest. Unfortunately, mod_proxy "eats" all extra headers (see ). On Webfaction forum, Remi Delon suggested to try mod_rewrite. Well, Apache mod_rewrite is "voodoo" (quote from If someone manages to get it work, please let me know.

Instead, here is quick-and-dirty solution with .. lighttpd. Relevant lines from lighttpd.conf are :
server.modules = (
"mod_accesslog" )
server.port = 8090
proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 8080 ) ) )
auth.backend = "plain"
auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/opt/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.user"
auth.require = ( "/" => (
"method" => "digest",
"realm" => "cubulus",
"require" => "valid-user"
) )

CherryPy receives header 'Authorization' with content 'Digest username="a", realm="cubulus", nonce=.., uri=.. qop="auth" ..... '

Easy thing is that if authorization fails, CherryPy receives.. nothing, so it's enough to look for Digest username="XXX"

Cheers, Alex
links: CherryPy wiki , Webfaction forum

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